God is moving in Independence Kansas...in a MIGHTY way! Last wednesday night, April 1st, my husband preached a message that turned our church upside down. He preached from the scripture in Judges that says 'there arose a generation that knew not God.' He had the elderly saints in our church sit on the front row and talked about 'the good old wholesome and innocent days' and the spirit of trevail and intense worship they experienced. He even went as far as having each one of them testify of experiencing such a move of God. He went on to talk about how, when are nation began, God was the center of attention. ( He definitely made a point there, oh how that has changed!)
After he preached about all this, he went on to talk about today's generation.....his own generation and how ashamed and sickened he was by it. He preached about all the sin and innocency and wholesomeness (if that's a word) that has been lost.....about teenage pregnancy, premarital sex, the lack of prayer, spirit of trevail and all night prayer meetings,etc.....His burden soon fell on us as a church and when the service was over, we prayed with such an intensity and fervency that I didn't know even existed. The spirit of trevail was all over that place. Several of us were 'drunk on the holyghost' and we ended up staying at the church, lost in prayer and trevailing, until almost MIDNIGHT! I have never experienced such a strong and powerful move of God like that!!
This Sunday, we were all so excited about church..more than ever. An expectancy, as well as a liberty in the holyghost was in the air. Our preservice prayer started at 6:30pm and was power-packed. Again, the spirit of trevail filled the house and we didn't even get to have church! God spoke to our church through tongues and interpretation......it was incredibly awesome. Our preservice prayer ended at 8:00pm.....it was unbelievable!....I'm expecting an intense move of God this coming wednesday...I can't wait! It's time for revival in Independence!
Amen! It's ALL Guy can talk about!! I'm so glad Rusty followed the Holy Ghost!
I've been married to Guy for 12 years and have NEVER heard him pray with SO much fervency and power! I give God the credit, but I will always appreciate Rusty for it as well. He initiated a great awakening in our church!
Independence is on the verge of something SO mighty!! Thank You Jesus!!!!
This sounds awesome! It sounds like great things are happening. May the Lord pour out an even greater anointing upon your church! I agree that Old Time Pentecost is still necessary. Give me that Ol' Time Religion.
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